Saturday, July 24, 2010



DD Palmer 1845年3月7日在加拿大多倫多遠郊出生。
他原是美國磁性治療家,但畢生致力鑽研 ‘徒手矯正療法’

1895 DD Palmer創立脊醫徒手矯正療法。
徒手矯正療法 (Chiropractic) 原自希臘語 ‘Cheiros’ 代表手和 ‘Practike’ 代表技術。

1897 DD Palmer成立第一所Palmer College of Chiropractic, Davenport, Iowa.
USA ‘徒手矯正療法’ (Chiropractic) 學院

1905 澳洲脊醫歷史可追溯至1905年。當年Palmer的學生 Henry Otterholt把脊醫療法推廣到澳洲及新西蘭

1906 -DD Palmer創立脊醫徒手、不用藥物、矯正療法 (Chiropractic) 。 但被當時眾多傳統西醫的排擠、抗衡、及敵視。認為此療法是不科學、不正統的療法。
-DD Palmer 曾多次被檢控 ‘無執照行醫’ ,也因此被監禁。
-同年,其子B.J. Palmer接管Palmer College of Chiropractic,繼承父親的心願,發揚 ‘不用藥物徒手矯正療法’ (Chiropractic)
-同年成立Universal Chiropractors' Association (UCA) 推廣此療法;及法律支援、幫助被起訴 ‘無執照行醫’ 的脊醫

1907 Universal Chiropractors' Association (UCA) 在美國威斯康辛 (Wisconsin) 定案,肯定徒手矯正療法 (Chiropractic)

1911 第一所脊醫學會在美國堪薩斯市 (Kansas) 成立,並於1913年首次制定脊醫 醫行醫執照法規。隨後,美國各洲分別立法及制定、簽發脊醫行醫醫執照。至1963 年,美國的47個洲已完成立法授權脊醫行醫。餘下下的Massachusetts, Mi Mississippi 及Louisiana,也分別在1966, 1973 及1974 完成立法。

1913 DD Palmer 終於 10月20日

1923 Xx 加拿大艾伯塔省為加拿大首個簽發脊醫行醫醫執照的省份

1930 1930年代開始,脊醫成為美國最大的另類專科治療


1979 1975年新酉蘭國會收到94,000 個簽名,要求聆訊資助脊醫醫療費。因此成立了新酉蘭脊醫調查委員會 (The New Zealand Commission of Inquiry into Chiropractic) 。
委員會聽證長達近兩年的時間,審閱超過3,600份誓章,數千份各機構,機關提供資料及各業界證人作證。調查員走遍美國、加拿大、英國和澳洲取證。報告長達 377頁,可算是脊醫歷來最詳盡,最深入的獨立調查報告。 這報告也奠定了脊醫的地位和發展。
"By the end of the inquiry we found ourselves irresistibly and with complete unanimity drawn to the conclusion that modern chiropractic is a soundly based and valuable branch of the health care in a specialized area..."
• 脊醫是以 ‘徒手療法矯正’ 專科治理脊椎障礙。
• 脊醫是唯一受過專科教育及訓練行使 ‘徒手療法’ 矯正脊椎障礙。
• 普通科醫生及物理治療師沒有足夠脊椎手法治療的訓練。
• 執業脊醫 ‘徒手療法’ 矯正脊椎障礙是安全。
• ‘徒手療法’ 矯正脊椎障礙可有效紓解肌肉痛、骨骼痛、背痛及相關病痛如偏頭痛
• 在公共利益和患者的利益,傳統西醫與脊醫不應存有合作之間的障礙。

“Chiropractic is a branch of the healing arts specializing in the correction by spinal manual therapy of what chiropractors identify as biomechanical disorders of the spinal column - they carry out spinal diagnosis and therapy at a sophisticated and refined level”

“Chiropractors are the only health practitioners who are necessarily equipped by their education and training to carry out spinal manual therapy”
“General medical practitioners and physiotherapists have no adequate training in spinal manual therapy”
“Spinal manual therapy in the hands of a registered chiropractor is safe”
“The education and training of a registered chiropractor are sufficient to enable him/her to determine whether there are contraindications to spinal manual therapy in a particular case, and whether the patient should have medical care instead of or as well as chiropractic care;”
“Spinal manual therapy can be effective in relieving musculoskeletal symptoms, such as back pain and other symptoms known to respond to such therapy, such as migraine”
“In the public interest and in the interests of patients, there must be no impediment to full professional cooperation between chiropractors and medical practitioners”
New Zealand Report. Hasselberg PD. Government Printer, Wellington - 1979

1987 在英國倫敦舉行脊醫代表大會(Chiropractic Congress )

1988 在澳洲悉尼成立世界脊醫聯盟(World Federation of Chiropractic),隨後,每兩年在不同國家,地區舉辦。香港也曾於1992為舉辦地點。脊醫是 ‘徒手矯正’脊椎移位。聯盟指出脊醫治療是辯證、診斷、施治及預防骨骼、肌肉及軟組織系統產生的神經系統相關疾病及健康。
“A health profession concerned with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of mechanical disorders of the musculoskeletal system, and the effects of these disorders on the function of the nervous system and general health. There is an emphasis on manual treatments including spinal adjustment and other joint and soft-tissue manipulation.”WFC2001

1993 加拿大安大略政府衛生部 (Ontario Ministry of Health) 委任渥太華大學教授 (Professor Pran Magna, University of Ottawa ) 進行了一行研究, 探討治理及康復殘疾病人和受傷工人最佳成本效益的療法。Magna Report指出脊醫治理腰背痛是療效。又指出經脊醫統管、治理及康復殘疾病人和受傷工人是最佳成本效益的治理方法、可減少住醫院的晚數、減少慢性久病及減少患病的期間。
"The literature clearly and consistently shows that the major savings from chiropractic management come from fewer and lower costs of auxiliary services, fewer and lower costs of auxiliary services, fewer hospitalizations, and a highly significant reduction in chronic problems, as well as in levels and duration of disability."

1997 世界脊醫聯盟 (World Federation of Chiropractic) 以非政府機構 (Non Government Organization) 身份與世界衛生組織 (World Health Organization) 建立官方關系

1998 美國境外全球各國認許的脊醫學院已達23 所,數目超越美國本土。

2005 世界衛生組織 (WHO) 發表脊醫教育、安全指引。

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